Static! It needn’t be a problem.
Static – why do we experience it in our bodies?
We’ve all had it! That flyaway hairstyle, clingy clothes which can be embarrassing, and those handshake or doorhandle shocks. This is static electricity leaping between positively- and negatively-charged objects where it has found its way to the surface to be released. It is caused or made worse by friction.
You may find this more noticeable in dry atmospheric conditions, in other words in the autumn and winter seasons in the UK when the air can be cold and dry. Often in these months we are more indoors, with heating on, which also dries the air out.
How can we minimise it?
A quick search on Google, shows a few things you can do:
Use a static-reducing spray. Here’s a handy quick YouTube video about this.
If you didn’t put your spray in your handbag, and are out somewhere, do you have access to some water and a towel/paper towel? Of course there are hot air hand dryers which will add to the problem! Anyway, if you can, dampen a cloth and brush it over the clingy area.
Well, who knew! Using a wire hanger can discharge the electricity. I’m afraid I’m not a fan of wire hangers, but perhaps you could hang one off your normal hanger rather than use it for the actual garment. I might try this!
Use a fabric softener.
Air dry your clothes instead of tumble-drying them.
Good luck with your efforts. Let me know if you’ve found another solution!